Will you consider losing weight before trying to conceive?

Gunce • Head of Research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 4 years of infertility treatments.

It may come as somewhat as a surprise, but being of optimal weight can actually do wonders for your ability to conceive.

According to the ASRM, women who have a BMI over 35 tend to take TWICE as long to get pregnant. And if you are underweight (BMI < 19), it can actually take you FOUR TIMES as long. But does that mean that you should diet while you are TTC?

The answer is Yes and No.

Yes, it is a great idea to change your diet and eat healthier. (More fish, less red meat, more health fats, less saturated fats, more veggies, less processed food.) Eating this way should by itself lead to a healthier weight.

But no - TTC is a terrible time to do any crash diets. So no cabbage diet, no pickle diet, no juice fasts. It really helps if your body needs to feel safe and secure (and not like it is starving in a prehistoric cave looking for sustenance).

The best time to diet (or gain weight) is BEFORE you are TTC. So that your body is already in an optimal weight before you begin. 

What have you been doing? How are you approaching your weight loss/weight gain while TTC?


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