Mommy's with 2 or more kids under 4!!

Ashley • Full time stay at home mommy & wife. Just had baby #3!!🌈♥️
Hello ladies I have two kids currently but my oldest son will be 10 soon so he hasn't been in a stroller for quite sometime. My daughter is 2 almost 3 when our new baby gets here she will be 3 1/2. I'm trying to decide if I need to buy a double stroller or not? I am a huge helicopter mom and always freaking out if my kids get out of my sight. I plan on wearing the baby until he or she can ride in the stroller without an infant car seat because we are not going to have an infant car seat. I guess I am trying to figure out if it will be worth the money to buy a double stroller for my 3 1/2-year-old and my baby or just stick with a single stroller and let my 3 1/2 year-old walk? We have Disney annual passes so we go quite a bit and that is what I would be the most concerned about. If I do buy a double stroller what is the best one?