Maddox Elmer is here!!

Lynn • Mommy to Maddox Elmer!

My original due date was March 10 but I had high blood pressure so they did an induction at 37 weeks and 6 days.

I got a the hospital at 10 PM on Tuesday night to get checked it. They put a pill into my vagina to get my to dilate at 12 am. I was already 1 cm and 60% thinned. At 1:30 am, the contractions started and at 4:30 am, I got some morphine. I fell asleep until about 7 am when they woke up so they could break my water. The contractions got way more intense so I asked for an epidural. After that, they gave me pitocin. The contractions were fast and hard but my epidural helped a tone. After 13 total hours of labor, it was time to push. I pushed for 30 minutes and out came little Maddox! He weighed 6 pounds and 11 ounces. He has Daddy's red hair and Mommy's nose! He grunted rather than cry and I was so in love. Sadly, I didn't get to see him long because my blood pressure dropped and I blacked out. Everything is fine now and I even got to nurse him. He was a little stubborn at first but he got latched and nursed like a pro. 😁 He's such a quiet and peaceful baby. I'm so happy to finally meet my precious son.