Very Confused ..

We're ttc #1 and had and early mc last month. This month my af came 2 days late again...which is not normal for me. I was really nauseous and had really sore boobs and got sick with sore throat shirtless flu for a day or two. Thought for sure I was pregnant. But then af decides to show up. So fine...I just disappointingly thought on to next month. Got over it. Moved on. Because thats what we gotta do. Negativity dont help much. Anyway af is almost over. Boobs bot sore no more. Feeling fine...but everyday around four in the afternoon till about eleven or twelve in the evening. I feel nauseous. What the heck is going on with me?

I did test this morning...because I read on baby center how many women spot or have period like bleeding monthly...sometimes throughout their pregnancy. ..but obviously it came back negative.

Can anyone help?...or just tell me to get a life!...never realized that ttc would take so much out of me. Constantly thinking...Constantly reminding myself to stay positive...counting down days...hours ...minutes. ..siiigh. sometimes I feel I will never see those two precious lines.

Am I the only crazy one here?

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I had a MC back in May. Hubby and I are also TTC #1. It's been a tough road. Every cycle feels like there is a possibility right up until AF comes. It does feel like you're going a little crazy sometimes, but it's gotten easier as I start to let go and just kinda let it happen. I heard stressing can actually slow down the process so I'm trying to chill out lol. Don't wanna make it any harder than it has to be. Sending prayers and baby dust your way. Just take care of your body and have fun trying 😉 it will happen when it's supposed to for both of us! 😁


Su • Feb 27, 2016
sorry for you loss. thanks for just replying. makes me feel a little better. good luck to you too.