Never thought I would be so happy to see AF

After an mc on Nov. 6th at 6 wks and another on Dec. the cycle after at 4 weeks, I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for AF. She's finally here! My last normal period was in September and so I have been anxiously waiting for another since my second mc.  The last few weeks I've had no interest in sex because I had no idea where my cycle was and was just in such a funk. All my opks and hpts were coming up negative.
I wasn't able to see my ob before my first mc but then I was able to see him for the first time right after I suspected I had the 2nd mc. He ordered a 2nd HCG and it went up! He was thinking it could just be a threatened mc so he prescribed progesterone, baby aspirin, and extra folic acid on top of my prenatals then another HCG in a few days. Unfortunately, it returned to 0 by then so we were back at square one so we were playing a waiting game again. Since then I had been waiting for AF (10 weeks!). I'm assuming between the mc and progesterone, my uterus was in a funk too. I get to see my OB/gyn for a routine visit in a couple weeks so we'll be able to asses things then. Thank goodness. I've been taking the prenatals since before I got pregnant the first time and since he prescribed them, I've been taking baby aspirin daily. He said to wait for a BFP before taking the progesterone and extra folic acid but I've been taking Pregnitude twice daily so maybe that's been helping. I take that and Metformin for pcos/insulin resistance that was diagnosed by my pcp a couple years ago. 
The cramps have been a cruel reminder of the mc's and what has happened in the last few months but it's been nice to know I'm finally moving on and ready to try again. We just really started tracking right before the first mc and working at it then I had the 2 mc's. Hopefully, with the help of progesterone and baby aspirin we get our BFP and a sticky baby soon!