The best day I've had in a while! πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜πŸ€—

So I've had like, the best day. I haven't had one in a while because of my sister and my ex and just a bunch of bullshit going on. Well, I went to my friend Leah's house, and she tried to make me feel a little better, but she failed. We asked Dakota if he wanted to hang out, but he said no. We also did the same with Trent and Jamie, but they said no as well. Then we asked her 'stalker' named Westley, and he said he'd be there in 5. I didn't know him at all, unlike the others. Sp, I met him, we all walked around for a little while, and even though he was smoking a joint the whole time, he was a great person. You might say he's sort of smooth with his words. He's kinda cute too...But aside from that, my grandparents picked me up from Leah's house, and I went home. When I got home, he friended me of Facebook and called me immediately. I didn't even message him. When he called me, I was about to get in the shower, so I told him that's what I was going to do. He said to call him back when I get out. I did as he said, but I still wasn't really wasn't happy at all. When I called him back, he asked if we could hang out tomorrow after school, so I told him we could if my mom said she didn't have to work. Well, I don't remember what he asked me, but he said, "I bet you do that to your boyfriend during school hours," and I replied, "I don't have a boyfriend." He started laughing in an astonished way, and he said, "Girl, you are way too beautiful NOT to have a boyfriend!" and I just froze like I was dreaming. No one has ever told me that before and I told him about the last experience I had with this, and he told me he'd be amazed if I just talked to him often. I feel so loved honestly. 😍☺️I don't really know what to do though. πŸ˜” Is there any help I can get? At all? From anyone? And I'm sorry, I just really had to get that out. I'm WAY too happy to keep this in.