So how do I do multiple registries? (Apologies for bitchy hormones lol)

What if the person who wants to buy the bouncer, or high chair, or play mat wants to buy on Amazon? Or what if they want to buy those things in Target? What if they don't know how to use Amazon? What if they wanted to buy in store? What if they wanted to buy online? I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm being told not to add the same things to different registries but um, okay so if that person that wanted to buy a bigger item doesn't buy it because they didn't want to order through Amazon or whatever.. so what then, I don't get what she needs? I have a lot of older people in my family but quite frankly, I like how Amazon has reviews and you go in knowing you will get a good product unlike just "oh this is cute" at Target or Babies R Us and it ends up being a piece of crap. Please help I don't know what to do or if I should just delete my registries and let people just assume what to get themselves because this is stressing me out too much for what reason I don't know. And please don't mention BabyList, because they make me want to put a bullet in my temple and no one in my family will know how to use it lol. 
Point is, do I not add the same items on each registry or what? So confused and stressed. I have had this question lingering on me for 30 weeks and I still don't know what I'm doing.