Please help!!!

Cassie • 🎉🎃🍁🍂 blessed with a beautiful 3 year old boy a 2 year girl and a 9 week girl👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

OK I've had a titsfull of climbing the stairs 20 30 times during the night to put my los dummy in just for him to go back to sleep,he don't give a little moan he screams the house down, I didn't want him on dummy's in the first place but family thought different and kept buying them for him putting them in his mouth,now he can't go a night without the thing :/, he's 41/2 months now and I really want him off it, any tips on how I can stop him needing it so badly that he acts like a screaming banshee, I'm not having a go at my child or anything like that I'm venting because I'm tired of going up and down the stairs so many times through the night and even in bed I have to put his dummy in. 😵😵

Please help I need this sorted, I'm pregnant and I can't handle going up and down god knows how many times