New Month to TTC and PCOS

Caroline • 23. vet tech. endometriosis. pcos.
AF is gone finally, and a new month is here for us! Wish us luck! I've been feeling quite discouraged because of my PCOS and the things I read online are frightening. I'm also trying to lose weight and become even more active to have a baby. Has anyone had any luck with losing weight and having PCOS? My job is already very active (I'm a veterinary technician) but I'm adding at least 30 minutes of activity a day into that. I've been looking into trying metformin but I'm not very well informed on it and I can't find a lot of info on if it helps with conception. I'm also obviously off of my birth control and my hormones are everywhere causing all kinds of side effects. I have been on birth control since I was 15 so I didn't know I'd experience these side effects. does anyone have any advice on balancing hormones while TTC? As far as I know, I'm ovulating but I haven't done any tests. I've been having regular periods since being off of birth control but I've only been off of it for three months. Before birth control, I never had issues with irregular periods but rather extremely long ones. Anyway, I'm new to this and never really realized how PCOS would effect conception until I started trying to have a child myself.  My main concerns are my health, losing weight and learning about PCOS and conception. I know this was a long post, so thank you if you actually read it!!