Actually rape or no?

  I had an experience with a man who was almost 20 years older than me. I grew up in a Christian cult community extremely sheltered and didn't even know what sex was till I saw dogs mating at 20 years old. I was raised where the "adults" are right and not to be questioned. 
  Shortly after I realized what sex was in the animal world, I was talking with this man I thought of as an uncle. He knew I was extremely naive and and kept talking about us having sex. I still didn't understand it but knew it was "bad" so I said no multiple times and he'd leave it at that. Once when we were alone he started feeling me up and he'd stop for a minute whenever I said no and then go back to it. Eventually he got farther and farther and even though I was obviously uncomfortable I stopped repeating no and he ran with it.
  Is it considered consent since I stopped saying no and let him do whatever he wanted? I still deal with depression and fear whenever I think about it.