Boyfriend masturbated in bed next to me?

Morgan • I have an Airman in ABU's (-;
Okay I am really struggling with this right now, and just need the advice & opinions of you nice ladies here on <a href="">Eve</a>. 
I've posted on here before about my relationship & the rough patch we were going through. All is well, we haven't fought in almost a month, and today we've been together for 7. (yes I'm cheesy and remember all the months but it's fine) 
So, for me to say we used to have an active sex life would be an understatement. We used to have sex every night somehow, but it's slowed down a bit. I'm a swimmer and he works, so by the time I come home I'm ready to eat, shower, and lay in bed. He's normally playing video games or sow thing of that manner. Sometimes the video game gets more attention than I do haha. Last night, I was woken up to the bed shaking. The first couple times I noticed it I was turned the other way and thought he was shaking his foot or leg so I politely and jokingly asked him to stop. I then fell back asleep and was woken up again, except this time I was facing him. I slightly opened my eyes and there he was jacking off. In bed. With me laying right next to him. 
Let me say a disclaimer: I don't care that he maaturbates. Really I don't. He's a guy, and I would be so silly to think he didn't and wouldn't. 
It's the fact that I was laying in bed next to him. He had his phone, so I'm almost positive he was watching porn. I turned over while trying to look asleep and let him do his thing. I was really uncomfortable and then I began to get really self conscious. I'm super over sensitive, so I had to try really hard to not burst into tears. It made me feel really unwanted. Normally he would kiss me or something when I tell him goodnight and that's how the sex starts but on this night he was like "goodnight love you" and that was it. I don't know. I could be overreacting. I just wish he would be more discrete with it. And I wish it didn't make me feel like less than I am. I've always struggled with body issues and that really didn't help.