Rude or not??

So my husband and I were looking at townhouses today and we were talking to a lady who works in the leasing office to get information. It's very obvious that I'm pregnant but I mentioned it to her anyway. She looks at me and says "wow you don't look pregnant you just look like you ate a big breakfast." That comment made me mad but I didn't want to cause any problems so I just left it alone. Then she looks right at my husband and says "you're glowing, it's usually the woman who glows during pregnancy but it's just you." At that point I was just heated and ready to leave! After we left I was very angry with her comments. I thought they were unprofessional and rude. I want to call and complain to a manager but I want to know if I am just being sensitive. My husband though it was rude as well. What do you ladies think? Am I just being a drama queen, or was she really being rude?