Baby's father crossing a line?

Sarah • 18. 22 weeks pregnant with my first little girl 🎀
So me and my baby's father haven't gotten along. He doesn't wanna grow up & today I broke it to him. He has a week to show me that he is gonna man up an provide for this baby or her out of the picture. Well, on the phone call he allowed his FRIENDS to get on the phone and start saying a whole bunch of stuff to me like "your immature" "your a bitch". So I told him I was done and hung up and blocked him from every social media site and his friends too. Well, my friend calls me and tells me his friend is on Facebook saying I'm gonna be a bad mom and I'm a bitch and all these bad names. It wasn't okay with me & I had my friend screen shot the post with the comments and send them to me. He will now not have any contact with me or this baby. Am I doing the right thing by cutting out the stress of him or no? I'm just so stuck on what to do. ?