Husband rejects sex!

Hi! So I've been married for almost 6 years and since like 2 years ago my husband started rejecting me as to being intimate. He always comes up with an excuse to not have sex with me. (His parents live with us) he says that he doesn't want to make noise or that he's really tired. He comes up with any excuse that he can to not have sex! He can go months without sex! It's been going on for 2 yrs! 
ISO what to do anymore. I feel rejected. I also pay my own bills. When I was in school full time I wasn't working. He was working out of town and he would only give me like 30$ to fill up my gas tank. No extra money for food or anything. When I work I offer to help him with his bills and stuff. He's a really nice guy . He treats me decent. But when it comes to intimacy he has an excuse to not be with me. He doesn't call me during the day or anything. And also he watches porn every single day!!! I've talked to him about it and he says he will make it up to me . He never does. It's the same all the time. Idk what else to do! (We don't have any kids) we had a miscarriage like 5 yrs ago. But he don't seem to have any plans in having kids anytime soon. I'm 25 and he is 30!