
MommaOf1👧🏻 • 👧🏼 1-1-17💜💕 👼🏻
I'm so tired of girls on this app that can't handle when someone tells them their opinion when they post something. This app is for advice, help of need be and lots more. I love this app and I absolutely love the ladies on here but it's seriously so annoying when young girls and older women on here complain about the people who comment on their stuff like if you don't like the opinion of others when you clearly ask for it on your post, DONT POST THINGS THEN. Like it's simple. If you can't handle the truth of things that people say then don't post. And another thing I've noticed a lot of girls will delete comments that he say they never said to make the girl they are talking to look dumb. Like its so pathetic if you can't own up to the things you say then grow the hell up. You don't wanna take advice from someone you don't need to be an ass about it either just politely tell them that you appreciate what they say but will decide on whatever they chose. Like I'm not saying most teens on here do it but come on ladies grow up a little. Us older girls don't do things to me mean or to be hurtful but sometimes you guys need the hear the truth.