Mixing Paint at Work?

I work at Walmart and I'm one of the few people in my store who knows how to mix paint. I'm usually mixing paint a few times a week and in the summer it's a few times a day. I looked up the additives that we use to colour the paint and also the paints themselves and I don't think it's safe for me to be smelling it/ touching it etc everyday when I'm pregnant. I'm 4 weeks 3 days and wasn't really planning on telling anyone other than immediate family for another month and a half. I can't refuse to mix paint without giving my managers a good reason. Problem is there are 9 assistant managers in my store and I would have to tell every one of them and hope they don't breach confidentiality. Should I tell them and refuse to mix paint or should I just use gloves and hope for the best for the next month and a half until I'm ready to tell people at work?