I can't lie

IchBinGroot • Baby on the way October 23rd//Instagram: ichbinkrista// twitter: ichbinkrista//
I can't lie, I dunno how some people like being pregnant. I realize my body is creating a miraculous life but I've never been more uncomfortable in my life haha. The constant bloating, breasts hurting, nausea and intense hunger like I've never experienced. I'm sure it'll all be worth it once he/she is born but my golly I can't see doing this more than once. I commend women tremendously for not being as big as a whimp as me. I'm just used to having a ton more energy and wanting to do more things. I was also put on progesterone pills and those I feel like make my symptoms even worse. I won't apologize if this makes anyone upset by what I'm saying. Everyone has a different experience!