Tmi !

michaela • stay at home mom married 6 yr , one boy 5yrs , one girl otw due march2016. and I love with my hubby Robert Bennett ♡
First off sorry to anyone with a weak stomach. I am 38 weeks and 3 days, 2cm dialted and 50% effaced. I went to the doc yesterday and she attempted to strip my membranes and she had a little luck cause I was having regular contractions before and after. Woke up with just cramps this am. Well about one week ago I lost part plug , and this am when I went to potty I had another blob, but this time it had more blood in it . I know it's normal for spotting and such after being checked and def after membrane strip. But take a look at the pic and tell me your thoughts if I should.go to the doc . Thanks ladies ! (This is my second baby so please no negativity on what I should have done or shouldn't do thank you ) the first is today's and second is last week