They were wrong about me!

From about 3rd grade on, I was picked relentlessly. Kids at school called me fat, ugly and weird. As I got older I got tired of it so I lost 80 pounds the summer before freshman year. I bought new clothes, learned to do makeup properly and got contacts. They still made fun of me. They said I was on drugs (because of the rapid weight loss) and that I was trying too hard. I got pregnant my junior year. Rumors were spread that I didn't know who the father was. Well, I'd only been with one guy and we'd been dating since 8th grade. So, obviously that wasn't true. I then graduated early, with honors, and when I wasn't there senior year...they said I dropped out and was dealing drugs. I've never been involved with drugs in any way, by the way. I was home taking care of my baby and filling out college apps. My school allowed me to walk at graduation with my class despite graduating a year early. At graduation, a group of girls told me that I was "worthless" and that "is never amount to anything." Well, I went in to college and worked as well. I graduated with a degree in psychology. I got married the year I graduated and I've had two more children. My husband and I are currently in the process of having a 5 bedroom 3.5 bathroom house built in a wonderful neighborhood. My kids are happy and healthy. I am very much a happy, stable and successful person. The best part? Some of those same girls have started asking me to get together and have apologized for their comments. I forgave them and kindly declined their invitation to get together. That was a wonderful feeling. Ladies, the best revenge is to prove them wrong! 
**I chose to post anonymously because some of the things I went through aren't things I feel like being judged for. Anonymity does not mean this isn't a sincere post. This is 100% true. I just wanted to share my story in a way that felt safe.