Healthy Pregnancy!

So this was me with my first child and I am now currently pregnant with my second child.  During my first child I started off weighing only 128 and got all the way up to 195 the day I gave birth. My son was born 9.15lbs and was 21inches long. So he was a big baby but not big enough for me to gain all that weight. I never got back to my pre pregnancy weight but I did get down to 150. I  blame all that weight gain on not caring about what I ate. This pregnancy I am so paranoid! I am so scared I am going to gain all that weight again. I do however watch what I eat religiously now. I am super careful about what input into my body. I've heard that some women show sooner for their second than their first child. Is this true?! Because if it is.. Does that mean I'll gain sooner too? Is anyone in the same boat as me? I probably shouldn't be too worried about it but I am just curious if anyone has had a better second pregnancy than their first.