Irrational or not?

I moved 6 hours away for my relationship (now married so it was an easy choice) but I left everything, my work/experience, my friends, my comfort zone and I already have no family here.

But now my husband wants to go out with the guys pretty often. We hardly see each other due to work. I started a new job and I have ONE friend here. And she works just as much as us. But when we hang out I make sure he knows so he can make plans too, usually on the weekends. So I value time with my husband but he's constantly coming home and wanting to go out with the guys he works with. I'm SO stressed at this new job and he knows I'm having a really hard time adjusting here and I just need him a little, but he doesn't get it. He already sees these guys more than me. I feel so alone here, and he doesn't seem to care. I let them come over but the last time one puked on my new furniture and ruined my ottoman and now I'm the mean wife because I don't want them over.

I miss my friends and my family and having a support system when I'm crashing. But my husband would rather talk to his friend than me apparently. Oh and I also have a HUGE exam in the morning first thing then work after and I won't be home until later than usual tomorrow so thats more stress, I have torn ligaments in my foot and 2 large dogs to care for that drag me around, slipped discs in my back and no husband around to help because he wants guy time.

Yes I got really complainy writing this but I feel like im being crushed by stuff to do and I have NO help and I'm going to cry and drink wine in the tub now.

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