
I've been talking to this guy, completely amazing, we talked all day and all night non-stop. The first night we chill together he takes me to Galevston, at like 3 am, I loved it. We talked about music and our interest and everything it was simply perfect. Next day he takes me out to eat, we go back to his house watch Netflix and he asked me out, I said yes, then I knock tf out like I'm slumped. When I wake up the next morning everything's great, I wake up to him and everything so later on in the afternoon he wanted to get frisky and he starts giving me booty rubs and all that good stuff and were kissing and I'm like in the mood to fuck (he didn't know tho) and I'm completely unaware of the fact that his pants and boxers were on the floor and he shoved my head down like he expected me to suck his dick. I felt soooo disrespected, so I was like take me home. I broke up with him. 
Am I wrong? Am I overreacting? or what lol