Anyone else dealing with preeclampsia?

So I've noticed my feet have been swelling a lot more since about 2 weeks ago. Went to the doctor and she said a I had a small amount of protein in urine but blood pressure was low so she didn't seem concerned. Went back yesterday and the swelling is a lot worse, doesn't go down at night, and my blood pressure was 138/86. Which is high for me. She said I was most likely developing preeclampsia :/ which I kind of figured. She had me have an ultrasound done and they monitored baby's heartbeat and activity. Everything with baby was perfect. Shes measuring as she should and shes very active. I'm having to do a 24 hour urine sample at home, she wanted to put me in the hospital but she said I could do it at home. Took my blood pressure this morning and it was 140/95 which she said to call her if it gets higher than 140 but I'm waiting to take it again at lunch. Really hoping they don't find much protein in my urine. Anyways, my question is, is there anyway I can have high blood pressure and swelling and not have preeclampsia? Really praying I don't have it or am not on the verge of getting it. But if I do have it, what is the next step they will take because I'm only 32 weeks 5 days.