
Hi everyone! I have no clue what most of the abbreviations mean on here so bare with me! lOl.. Anyways.. My fiancé and I decided to start trying for a child together. I have 2 children from a previous relationship and now we would like one of our own as well.. I had my IUD removed ( had it in a little over 2 years) on Oct 22nd. I was on my cycle at the time. I got my next cycle on Nov 26 && it lasted until Dec 1st.. It's not Jan 3rd and I haven't gotten another period. I've been taking tests as they've all came out negative. There was a little tinnnny bit of pink when I wiped one and then a couple days later same thing. (Sorry if tmi)  But no period. Is this normal for when the Mirena IUD is removed?! Anyone have any ideas? Also, I already called my doctors office & they said wait it out but no real info..