Does anyone else ever feel undesired by your SO?


I've talked to my husband about this repeatedly but there is no change so I just want to see if I'm the only one.

My husband and I only have sex like once a week. Maybe twice a week if I'm REALLY LUCKY. We've been married for about 2 years but this has been a problem since the honeymoon ended. I've tried to initiate but usually get shut down by him when I do. When we do have sex it's great. I've asked him repeatedly if I'm the problem or if something is stressing him out? I've even asked if he's sleeping with someone else. He says no. He's still affectionate (kisses me, touches me, cuddles, etc) sometimes but it's in spurts.

We do have one child but it's not like that child sleeps in our bed. Our son had even gone to stay with my parents for a week and we still only had sex once that week. I just feel like I'm begging him to sleep with me and i don't want that. I've talked to him about if we had sex twice a week, I would not complain again. I don't know how he expects to have a baby next year if we barely have sex.

Am I being unreasonable? Does anyone else have this problem? Is this even something to worry about? I'm just tired of talking to him about it because it just keeps leading to a fight and no change?