Separation anxiety??

So this isnt exactly a case of separation anxiety..something along those lines. Would love to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar.
My son just turned 9 months old and i am visiting my parents. We will stay here for about 2-3 months. I have 4 siblings who are totally in awe of him as he is the first baby in our they are all aunts n uncles for first time. My son is constantly with them and i only take him to change his diaper, for feedings, and for sleep time. My son is really enjoying this time and i love it too bt i cant help but feel like he doesnt even miss me :(
Is that possible? Will our bond weaken over this? I just got here a couple days ago so its all still new...we dont get our playtime or anythih anymore..does my son not even need me?
Please provide some insight guys..