Why is everyone looking...

Laura • 2 beautiful boys. East Yorkshire England 💚
Why is everyone looking forward to being induced 😐😳?? 
For me, My boy nearly got delivered at 24 weeks due to blood loss and sac bulging, luckily he stayed in there, doctors said latest he would be here is 28w, here I am today at 40+4 and he's still cooking! Had 3 sweeps, 3.5cm and 100% thinned, I'm not allowed to go over 1 week overdue due to prior c section and there being a blood clot in the sac. I'm in the latent stage of labour and PRAYING for it to kick start on its own before induction Friday, I really don't want to get induced, but if I have to I understand it's for my sons health and my health too. But all I keep seeing is women begging to be induced :/ I don't understand it. 
Trust me I understand pain, I've been in pain since 24 weeks, back pain, sleepless nights, stomach cramps, blood loss, headaches, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, can hardly walk.. But the last thing I want is inducing 😐😐