Vomit phobia!

Brittany • Blessed mom of three! Leaving the rest up to God!
On Valentine's Day of this year, my two year came down with he stomach bug. Something I have dreaded since becoming a parent. I have come to find out, that I have a pretty ridiculous fear of vomiting. I wasn't aware how intense it was until I had a kid, who threw up all over me in the middle of the night!
She was sick maybe 3-4 times and then recovered in about two days. I did end up catching it, but never threw up, just had other issues. 
The point of this post is to ask, how often do your kids get the stomach bug. I feel lucky that we went two years without her getting anything like that, but now that it has happened, the fear of her getting sick again is taking over my life. 
Anyone else have this problem? I talk to my husband and mom about it, and I end up just feeling crazy. But I feel crazy! I mean, who is freaked out by their kid, just because they puked on you! 
Any input or tips for overcoming this phobia, and answers on how often your kids are sick would be appreciated.