Feeling so anxious 😁😖

Moneypenny • Leaving Glow was the best thing I did!
I'm feeling so damn anxious right now. I woke up out of a sound sleep at 4:30 am (it's now 5:58 am). 
All the stress of my life just hit me at once. My heart is racing and I couldn't focus for about an hour. (My body is this odd hot feeling with like a cold streak running in the middle of the hot heat).   
From the car accident I had last night to bills piling up...I'm so stressed out this very moment idk what to do.
I'm usually always in control.....always planning ahead, always putting money in appropriate spots.
But...recently I have not been doing so. I swear....you get behind on one bill and it's a domino effect (I forgot to pay it somehow and it got me so so behind with everything).
If anyone else is feeling this way....what are things you do to focus and what do you tell yourself that makes you feel better? 
Me: I just try and take deep breaths, focus on "what's important " like my kids and spouse, we are all alive and my kids are "healthy" (for the most part they are anyway-always could be worse I suppose), I look at my house and remain thankful I have a roof over my head. 
I'm trying to think of worse situations I've been in ......like when my daughter has been hospitalized each time and we couldn't come back home--pretty much live in the hospital for days at a time , or longer, etc.
I keep reminding myself things could always be worse, which is totally true and I know this but my mind keeps racing and racing. 
How do you get your mind to STOP racing??                 
I'm over this. This is a constant issue I have but it's much worse with the current anxiety I'm experiencing.
One thing that did make me giggle this morning was a picture I took of my dog the other day. I'm sharing it in hopes it can bring someone else a smile!
I'm fully aware I sound like a crazy person 🙈🙉, LOL!  Still posting this.  Maybe my craziness will make someone feel better and they can say  "hahaha, look at her! She's nuts. She makes me look and feel sane!"😝🙃