I'm 19 & ttc

Leighandra Paige

Me and my fiancé are ttc. We've been trying for a month, and we haven't had any luck yet. Unfortunately I have a very irregular cycle. I havent had a period since December, and even then it was very light. I think I may have had a spontaneous miscarriage and it's what has made me so irregular, but I'm not sure.

I stopped my birth control in August, had normal periods for October and November, had a very light 4 day period in December, and extremely light spotting for 2 days in January. Pregnancy tests are negative, I've had 2 blood tests since December to confirm.

PCOS runs in my family, and my grandmother had to have a hysterectomy due to endometriosis. My ob/gyn has never given me a pap, even though I'd been on birth control since I was 13 (for heavy, 2 week long periods), and have been sexually active since I was 15. My mom has not been around much since I was 15, so I had no one for any advice. Should I change my ob/gyn? And if there's any other advice, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.