Tired of seeing these posts about castor oil


So here's my rant for the day. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT USE CASTOR OIL TO INDUCE LABOR! Castor oil will cause your baby to have a bowel movement while still en utero. If this happens, you baby can ingest it can it can cause serious complications. Emergency c section, baby might have to stay in the NICU, or worse, it can cause your baby to DIE. Please don't risk the LIFE of your baby because you can wait a couple days.. there are other things you can do to help labor.

Evening primrose oil - a safe vitamin that you can take orally or vaginally to help ripen your cervix.



Walk walk walk walk

Bouncing on a yoga ball


Nipple stimulation

Please. Dont. Use. Castor. Oil. And. PLEASE. Stop. Posting. And. Asking. About. It.