On and off cramping and low back ache..

Brittany • Boy mom 💙 1/21/17 ; 5/1/20 💙 💙 3/15/22 💙 E.M.Z 💘💍🔐 o4.21.10 💗
This is my first month ttc baby #1. So idk if it's been because im paying extra attention to my body but im feeling things that i don't ever remember feeling. My af is due tomorrow..the past 3 days i was having on & off cramping which i usually do get 1-2 days before af but i don't ever remember it being so on and off & now im having low back pain which i NEVER get at all not even before af ...anyone else experience this before they got their bfp ? I feel i should also add i had a weird dull achy cramping feeling in my right ovaries at 9dpo & i never cramp mid cycle like that! I really hope this is my month !