How do I tell him I like him?😳😌

Samirah • 😘 Future Neonatologist or Pediatrician👩🏽‍🎓
So I have a crush on this boy who I work with. When I see him I just smile out of nowhere😂 I can't help but to just stare at him any chance I get & on break he ALWAYS sits by me and he just makes me laugh and smile I feel comfortable around him but then again I get butterflies in my stomach... I want to tell him I like him but I think it's to early to do that. We work at Chick-fil-a and they only been open since March 10th so everybody is still new to each except for the ones who know each other or go to the same school of course & the most awkward moment happen there lol... My friends for middle school was there while I was on break I ate my food then went and talked to them one of them is a boy and his gay so he was like "I seen that boy he is cute" I said who he said he name and I was like girllllll yessss I didn't tell him that I had a crush on him lol but then he was like "Ima need his number" I said I got chu I got chu we kept going on and on how cute my crush was but then I don't know if I blocked out or was day dreaming but then this man sitting new to us said the my crush was his SON😂😭 we was all embarrassed well I was I was like omg in so sorry, because I was just going on and on about him... Then he said showed us a picture of my crush and was like this him? We was like OMG yes then he said yea that's my son and he pointed and said and that's his mother over there I was shocked because they just looked like regular customers... My friends leave and I went back to work my crush cousin also works there so I told her and stuff then we went back to the table where their families was at to clear their table and his father started talking to me again😳 and he was like something something something...I forgot but then I seen this baby running around I said "awwww his so cute" he said yea that's baby jo jo... Then he asked about his niece he asked me was she good I said yea she's been good.. Then out of NO WHERE😂 he said she like black guys she has a black boyfriend I was just shocked😂 but I laughed then he showed me my crush grandma and I was like wow she looks young to be a grandma he smiled then I left,  I felt like I was married to my crush and I was meeting his family for the first lol... Feels like I'm apart of the family now😂 but back to topic how do I tell him I like him but what if he has a girlfriend already?