Epic fight of my life!

Sara • Im 26 years old and have had one pregnancy 5 years ago , My longtime boyfriend has a low sperm count and we are trying to concieve
My hormones are at there all time craziest , i just battled a week and half flu and head cold , suffered a miscarriage and still going through it . Now i will be completely (my choice) going cold turkey off of suboxone (been on it for almost 3 years) , i have been weaning my self off it for the past 2 months and dealing with slight withdrawls compared to what im about to go through ! I am terrified and sooo ready , i cant wait to be me again and not dependent on any drug . Once i have gotten through this maddness and hell i will get back to my goal of TTC ! I refuse to bring a life into this world addicted to sutch a horrible drug and have that innocence suffer the withdrawl ... thats on me