Is any else not happy?

Not trying to be a downer beyond no means but seeing if there is anyone else in my boat! It's embarrassing! This is a time to be happy n giddy but I'm sad, unhappy, almost depressed. Never have I felt this way before. Snapping n fighting with my bf about every little thing. We r moving back in with his mother to try n save money for a home (should be living with her by end of Apr). Stomach always hurts like a stomach ache not cramping. Not much of an appetite, everything tastes blah unless it's got a kick to it (banana peppers, spicy Garlic) but too much flavor tastes gross (BBQ sauce, baked chicken). Not craving anything. I don't want sex at all, don't even want to hear anything regarding any part of it. Sleep is finicky, work hours r 20-30 a week. Been nauseated n puky since 4 weeks... I'm trying to be happy n a occasional laugh is nice but I just don't know what's wrong. I'm 12wks 1day today.. Due Oct 2nd.
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Well you're pregnant! You're hormonal and your tastes are all messed up. Just hang in there for a few more weeks, it should improve in the 2nd trimester. My sickness ended at around 14/15 weeks. You'll still be moody but at least you'll be able to eat. 


Posted at
I'm 18 weeks and 2 days, I am in the exact same boat. All my boyfriend talks about is sex. I can't stand to be touched right now, much less be intimate. When he touches my belly, I cringe at the feeling. We fight about every little thing. Just the sound of his voice annoys the crap out of me. I know how you feel. I hope it gets better!


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I'm right there with you girl. I'm 15 weeks currently, and pretty miserable. Being pregnant is stressful. Thinking about and trying to prepare for all of these changes is terrifying. Aand about a month ago I discovered that my child's father has been lying about his ex and about basically everything else. I went from having a great boyfriend to facing being a single mom. It's overwhelming. I want to be able to enjoy being pregnant, but given the circumstances it's very hard. I'm also worried that my sadness is going to effect the baby. But, I try to smile when I can and pray for happier times. Hang in there dear. We can do this ☺


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I'm with ya girl