Gender Disappointment/Wrong Ultrasound

Well, I'm being that terrible person that Is super disappointed over my gender scan - we went at 17 weeks and both were very CLEARLY boys - went to OB today at 20w1d and she took about 8 seconds to check and said boy/girl....I have a 30 minute video from 17 weeks though that shows two little boys with no shame about letting it all hang out lol definitely confused right now and contemplating scheduling another private ultrasound???? Opinions?
I think my frustration is in the fact that she didn't take the time to check well even when I voiced my concern and my OB even said the picture is not clear and nots definitely a girl but doesn't rule out a boy either. After voicing my frustration to both they told me to wait until 28 weeks to confirm....which is way too long considering its twins and that's when my shower is planned for 😩