So family is mad i wont tell them the names i picked aahhh ;p so what lol


So when pregnant with my last child 5 years ago my aunt was pregnant as well before we found what we were having I said if it's a boy he will be damienn Jr if a girl I was going to name her Neriah ( sort of like Mariah with just a little twist) Dddooooo you know this chick ( my aunt) lol since at this time we knew the gender she SAID Im going to name her Maniah you know like Mariah.... Eeewww I was so mad like you couldn't even be original with the name that you had to use my sentence as well sooooo I won't say anything to any one until he/ she is born Except for you guys lol

Boy: Ro'Sion Leathel-Lee

Girl: Kadence Capree

I had to tell someone :)

Hopefully she's not on here creeping Lol