39 weeks and 2 days: update!

Catherine • First time mommy here, due with a sweet little boy named Ben on March 26, 2016.
So I haven't dilated or effaced anymore. I'm still 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. So at our appointment today, my doctor said if baby doesn't come on his own before Thursday this week, Thursday night we will go to the hospital and they will put something inside me. My doctor said it was like a small tampon shaped thing with progesterone on it to help dilate and efface me. Then, Friday morning they will induce me at 7am. My son will be here by the end of this week!!! Our sono this week said he was about 7 pounds 15 ounces, give or take half a pound. He was moving around so much today we only got one decent face pic. He's running out of room! His nose looks weird but his chin and lips look cute.