Gender dreams?!

Gabby • 23 and engaged to the love of my life! Wedding is sept 10 & baby is due Nov 10!
Anyone had dreams about what gender your baby will be!? I believe some dreams definitely have a purpose. Ive had an experience with an almost premonition like dream that I'll never forget. Now I trust my dreams (unless I can't remember them or they are totally random or just like a replay of my day)
ANYWAYS two nights ago I dreamt that I gave birth in a big pool all by myself And I carried my baby out and laid him on a glass pool table (lol) and my baby was a boy! Is this mommy intuition or just a simple dream? What do you think, and have you ever had experiences like that? Were you right?!
P.s. This is my first pregnancy and I'm due Nov 11 :)