Wanting a Baby

Ever since I was little I had my life planned out. I knew exactly what I wanted to accomplish before I thought about children, marriage etc. For having a child I wanted to be financially stable, in a healthy long term relationship (marriage for me isn't a requirement) and be ready in general. I didn't expect to be ready at 19. And I understand that sounds insane but I have a full time job in my career field making $15 an hour, my boyfriend of 2 years has a good paying job as well, we have a wonderful, huge townhouse and low expenses. Also I am finishing my last year of college. My life at 19 meets the requirements I have set up for me to have children. I want to wait until I finish my schooling for my Associates degree but I will be going to school for awhile and don't want to wait until that is all done before having children. I know it would be a lot to handle with my schedule of being a full time student and working full time but I'm ready. I won't make my child be responsible for my happiness but I do want some of that pure happiness. I know it is stressful but holding a child, raising a child, being responsible for a child and having such a helpless being rely on me is the motivation I need. I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and I want to have a baby for one of those reasons. And I understand it sounds like I want a child for all the wrong reasons but I want someone to rely on me, I want the pressure to be successful, I want to have that drive to become something because accomplishing things just for me, isn't important to me anymore. Am I crazy? I know biologically its normal to have "baby fever" in my teens but coming from a well educated, responsible, independent woman, is it crazy to truly want a baby this young?