Thought I was over it but...

Last Friday my husband and I attended his friends wedding. (Which by the way was beautiful.)
We arrived at the cocktail hour and to my husbands surprise we knew someone so during cocktail hour we talked to this guy and caught up on life, etc.  I saw that they had a photo booth set up and thought that was pretty cool so o asked hubby to come and take a picture with me. He said nah, not right now we will get one later.. Sure fine! 
Reception area opens up and we sit down and the reception begins.. Dinner is served. Once dinner was over my husband says be right back, getting a drink... Okay. In the meantime I see him over the way chatting with the long term friend and then they disappear again. Okay. 
Mind you, I'm at this table sitting by myself with a group of people I don't know so of course I feel super awkward. Hubby finally comes back and says hey babe, sits down.. He says look what me and Dylan did.. Shows me a picture of him and this long time friend in the photo booth. I looked at him and said really? Could t take a picture with me but you go ahead and take a picture with him? He said ohh I was ready to take a picture when you wanted to so he says come on let's go take a picture. So we did. Then we head back to the reception area and I thought he was right behind me but poof gone again. So I went and sat down at my table... Alone again. Search around and bam.. There he is talking to this guy again. Okay that's fine. 
Hubby comes back over to our table and I asked him if he wanted to dance with me.. He said not right now in a few. He starts chatting with the other guest at our table.. He runs out of his drink and says be right back so you want anything... No no thanks! What do ya know gone again! But this time he comes back after getting a drink and again goes over starts chatting with the long term friend.. Then a song came on and he gets on the dance floor and starts dancing, by himself. I'm just watching, never does he blink an eye at me. He gets done dancing just to start chatting with this long time friend again and two females walk up to them and they all start chatting.. (I wouldn't of cared if I was being paid attention too) this just boiled my blood... I was pissed at this point. 
During all this, I don't know how many time o was asked if I was here with someone and how many people came up to when the tosses started to see if I was single or not. 
Hubby finally came back over and you can tell he's feeling it and he acts all happy yada yada yada. And I flip. Seriously? You can't take a picture with me but you go ahead and take a picture with him, oh you didn't want to dance with me but you danced with everyone else? Oh you leave me just hanging around in a corner all night and don't think any thing of it?
What does he says? Babe you wanna go dance? No screw you! 😁 I'm ready to go home, glad you had a good time and I had the worst night of my life. Once I said that he got super pissed, flipped out, went and said goodbye to the bride and groom and we left. 
Turned into a big arguement in the parking lot, huge arguement on the way home, and when we got home I just felt so worthless that I couldn't even look at him or talk to him. The next day we talked about it and he said sorry etc but I told him I didn't care that he was sorry because every function that we go to he does this.. I even asked him if he wanted to be single because that's how he's acting? He said that he doesn't mean to he just gets in the zone. Yeah zoning me o
Now we are on good terms because of course I don't let anything get in between on marriage but it's been a week now and I just can't get it out of my mind. It just keeps coming up and I keep replaying it. He told me yesterday that a co worker asked him to be a groomsmen in his wedding.. I said how nice! But unfortunately I will not be attending any of functions like this with you because I know how it ends up. 
Sorry this was super long and I just needed to vent. But I mean I just can't get it out of my head I still feel so down about it and it's been a week! 
Am I wrong for being so upset?  We've been together for 8 years and I don't remember a function where's he's never been like this.