
So I'll try not to make this too long. I was in a relationship for 6 years we had our ups and downs but we stuck it out! Two years ago he cheated while we had a fall out and said were over and we got back togther a week and a half after. I found out about 5 to 6 months after that he cheated but also got someone pregnant. I confronted him and the first thing he said was it's better if we go our separate ways because of this. That should I'd been my warning to jump ship he didn't even feel the need to say baby I'm sorry I want to make it up to you. Anyways I stuck around and we tried to get over it. Still having ups and downs we were better now as soon as the baby was born he changed he kept fighting with me he kept wanting to leave he just was mean and I knew it's because he wanted his family although he kept saying he doesn't want his baby momma. February 2014 things got so bad where he broke up with me because I had a conversation with the girl letting her know to stay in her lane and place! I don't see how I was wrong for that. But after the break up he came back and now we had no status or idk what it was but we continued to have sex like normal go out together have dinners I Even spent over 3000 on him for his birthday he hated when I said all we doing is having sex do I guess we were back on although I had my suspicion that he was still sleeping with the other chick I tried to not let it bother me because of how he treated me when we were good (dumb in love I know) well fast forward to November 2015 I got pregnant and all hell broke Loose we spent the night before I found out togther so the morning when he left I took a test and I texted him and told him I was pregnant his response was what are we going to do he's not ready for another child and blah blah blah. This hurt so much he became distant and cold he kept pushing me for an abortion which I denied and he said he wanted nothing to do with me he'll mind his child after a paternity test he's going back to his child mother I was absolutely baffled I was at my worst I couldn't stop crying for days I ended up losing weight from developing severe morning sickness and was in the hospital for a week he never came to see me always had an excuse! Now he's happily into his relationship and could care less about me or this child days would go by her doesn't call or text or show any interest but wants to demand surname and rights to take the baby with him when he wants of course I told him no. I'm 21 weeks now and he hasn't been around for any of my hospital visits and check ups but wants to claim my son when he's born! He wants the easy route and I'm so angry and full of hate towards him I just want him to suffer so much. I know it's wrong to feel like this but it's just what he did to me after 6 years togther I just couldn't believe it. I'm trying hard to mend my heart and I know it'll take time but I just need a push of advice.