Worried too much

I have my first appointment to get my baby measured and reading a lot of the posts that they are going in and finding out that they're baby hasn't grown since week 7 or what not. I'm worried that that's going to happen to me because I don't have any symptoms besides my tummy getting bigger. I'll be 12 weeks at my first appointment. :/
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I can't believe how much worry happens with pregnancy. This is my 1st and it has been a rollercoaster of happiness then worry, happiness then worry, and so on!! 


Stacie • Mar 26, 2016
Idk y Drs add even more worry lol. As if there's not enough. I'm 11 weeks and have struggled w worry and anxiety since 4 weeks. I just try to take it day by day


Briana • Mar 26, 2016
me too. I was doing better, feeling more excited and happy and then had an appt yesterday and when I asked about % for miscarriage by week so we can decide when to tell our parents the dr tried to tell us it's 50/50 and we definitely should not even consider telling them yet. it made me scared again


Posted at
I was super worried just like you, we had our first appointment at 9 weeks and we Didn't get to see our baby again till today. I was so scared that that would be the case with me as well because the only symptoms I've had is my breast getting bigger since week 10ish.....but all I can say is pray a lot that you aren't one of those mothers. And more than likely your baby is okay, it's just your symptoms are finally calming down as they should :) 


Briana • Mar 26, 2016
she's right. I've had very limited symptoms. haven't even thrown up more than twice. I'm sure that we will both be fine and have beautiful little babies :)


Li • Mar 26, 2016
You might just be one of the few lucky moms out there. My sister didn't have any symptoms besides missing period, and she had a healthy baby boy who is now a year old :)


Mariah • Mar 26, 2016
the thing is is that I've never had symptoms. that's what worries me