What is egg white cervical mucus?


When the body releases an egg during ovulation, the cervix produces a mucus fluid that acts as a helpful Slip-n-Slide for sperm as it coasts through the reproductive tract on its way to meet the egg. Closely related to your levels of estrogen, cervical mucus is a primary sign of fertility.

CM changes in consistency and appearance throughout the menstrual cycle and is a key indicator of where you are in your cycle and how likely you are to get pregnant. Knowing which colors represent which levels of fertility will greatly help you begin to understand your body and better track your fertility. 

In this poll, we quizzed Glow community members on their knowledge of cervical mucus color. 62% of poll-takers said that the color of baby-making mucus is clear, while 32% thought it was white. Almost 6% said that they believed it to be yellow or a different color entirely.

So which team guessed correctly? The “clears” have it!

The most fertile, clear mucus is referred to as egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) because it is similar in color and consistency to the popular breakfast food, pre-scramble. EWCM is slippery and when held between two fingers, should be able to stretch 1-2 inches. It plays a fundamental role in conception, transporting sperm and helping it survive all the way up to the waiting egg.

During ovulation, the body experiences its highest estrogen levels and most accelerated CM production. Once you detect EWCM, you’re in the middle of the most fertile days of your cycle, and that means it’s baby-making time!

Got more questions about EWCM? The Glow Fertility Program is here to help you find all the information you need. Call 1-866-GLOW-NOW (1-866-456-9669) and talk to one of our experienced fertility coaches today.