Your Fertility Workup: Pelvic Ultrasound


A pelvic ultrasound is performed with a small device that is gently inserted into the vagina to look at your uterus and ovaries. This ultrasound will look at the size, shape, and position of your uterus. It will also look at the size of your ovaries, follicle development in your ovaries, and it will detect any abnormal growth, like a fibroid.

What the Test Involves

The test will be performed by an ultrasound technician in an exam room. You will be asked to change into a medical gown, but you can likely leave on your bra and socks. The technician will put gel on a small device, a transducer, and gently insert it into your vagina. You will feel light pressure as the transducer is moved around to gather images.

You may also have both your antral follicle count (AFC) test and your saline sonogram during this ultrasound. The AFC test uses the same tools to look at the number of follicles in your ovaries. The saline sonogram uses a solution to look at the shape of your uterus.

Tips & Hints

You may be asked to have a full bladder. This helps the technician view your pelvic organs. Drink water beforehand, but not too early, so that you can keep your bladder full enough without needing to use the bathroom.

If you’re menstruating and wearing a tampon, you will need to remove it for the exam, so make sure to bring an extra one for after the ultrasound.

The pelvic ultrasound is one of a series of tests involved in the infertility workup evaluating a patient for treatment.