TTC - Anxiety & Depression
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Cant stop crying.
Thought we nailed everything this month and still af shows up on time. Feeling down, beaten and can't understand why it didn't work. So work out in trying but most of all the pure disappointment. I as only been a few months I hope it's still too early to throw in the towel.
Last reply Apr 27, 2018
Body Odor
Anyone else feel like their body odor has gotten worse all of a sudden? I know I've had BO before but it seems like only in the past year or so, I have to wear men's deodorant because women's doesn't work! Also, in the last week or so I have noticed that even immediately after a shower, I have normal BO smell around my vag... Anyone have ideas or solutions? I'm not pregnant and there is no chance I might be because I had a tubal ligation 3 years ago. If it makes a difference, it also seems like my hair grows back super fast after I shave, too, only in the last 6 months !
Last reply Sep 17, 2017
I feel so evil
I have had 3 pregnancy losses , the last one was an ectopic which was the scariest experience of my life , my brother and his wife are due to have their baby any day now , lets just say i'm less than excited i'm nervous about my reaction if that makes sense ... i'm supposed to ttc this month, being put on some new meds (asprin and predisone plus synthetic t4 for antibodies) but i dont have much hope just been so use to losses. My MIL today also told me and my husband that his cousin was having twins , i had twins my first mc ... and my evil brain cant stop wishing for someone to loose their baby so i dont feel so left out ...
Last reply Sep 20, 2017
question about mc
hey, so end of July I had a mc. I didn't realize I had one until beginning of September when my period restarted itself and my hcg was 3.6 I'm still feeling 100% pregnant. even though I'm not. Like I'm almost always nauseous and I get the worse heart burn. i feel bloated to the point where if i ptess my belky against skmething its tight and hurts a bit. my hormomones are still wired because I'm really moody and irritable. my boobs feel funny. And I bled a little after I masturbated is it actually possible to be pregnant without having the hcg tests come back pos
Last reply Sep 15, 2017
changing status on app
I had it set for ttc since I downloaded the app. I just changed it to avoiding pregnancy. which feels odd that they don't have an option for just tracking my cycle. I mean our sex life is non existent.. haven't been sexual for long month's at a time. yet he will make comments about having children. I'm tired of feeling hurt or stressed over it. I'm just feeling so done with it all right now. I've been dealing with major depressive disorder as well as severe anxiety. recently lost insurance and have been missing med doses. I just am tired of breaking down crying wondering is it ever gonna happen
Last reply Sep 22, 2017
Baby Dusting
Let there be a cry of a baby in every home that has been crying for a child in Jesus name Amen. sending you all baby dust, please send some back. Lord knows I need it! sad, but hopeful.
Last reply Mar 26, 2018
I've posted in a few groups about this but I'm lay in bed feeling really down about it right now so I just need to get it off my chest.. my last normal period started June 19th and was heavy and lasted for 3 days as has been normal since my miscarriage in May last year but I've had spotting for 3 days at around the time my period was due at the end of July/start of august.. but my period that should have happened at the start of this month hasn't appeared.. I've lost half a stone since July but my clothes aren't any looser and I've had strong pregnancy symptoms including nausea and strong sense of smell.. my stomach feels different and I've gone off certain foods too.. but the problem is that all my hpt 's come back negative and I've been waiting for over a week for my doctors urine pregnancy test results but got nothing back yet.. I'm starting to feel like I'm going crazy.. my body is doing everything it can to convince me I'm pregnant but the results just don't seems to add up.. I have found a place where I could get a private ultrasound done to confirm or rule out pregnancy but I'm kinda scared to go because I don't want to find out that it has all been in my head for the last month.. some days I am 99% sure I am pregnant but days like today I get really down and depressed and convince myself that it's all in my head and I'm going crazy.. I just need someone to talk to that understands how hard this can be for us ladies
Last reply Sep 13, 2017
Really depressed recently 😭
Ever since I had my IUD removed on August I've been really depressed. I've suffered from depression in the past and have been on medication before but no longer am. I obviously think part of it right now are my hormones regulating but it's starting to really affect my life. Has anyone ever been on an antidepressants while trying to conceive and even through pregnancy? Are does anyone have any natural alternatives that are safe while trying to conceive? Thanks
Last reply Sep 12, 2017
so here lately all I want to do is sleep I get 8 hours but I'm still tired I don't want to do anything but sleep all the time do any of you lady know or have any idea why I would be tired all the time is it anything to do with my depression and anxiety sighed sleepy
Last reply Sep 12, 2017
depression/anxiety meds while ttc?
I'm currently on Wellbutrin and Xanax. I was on Cymbalta when I got pregnant with my son (this will be #2), freaked out because I heard it causes birth defects, quit taking it, freaked out even more because of withdrawal and worsened anxiety/depression, and then my doc put me on Zoloft for the remainder of my pregnancy. only thing is, I've been needing the Xanax more often lately because my symptoms have been worse. should I start trying to wean myself off of it now or wait until I'm pregnant? I don't want to harm my baby but I also know that I don't handle abrupt med changes, at all.
Last reply Sep 21, 2017
is celexa ok to take while ttc??
Last reply Jun 22, 2019
Last reply Oct 4, 2017
My Confession.
I have had depression on and off since I was nine. I have always just dealt with it, I can recognize it for what it is so I make sure to take good care of myself. I sought out professional help in my early 20's but I cannot stress what a disaster that turned into. I took myself off of meds and have been doing fine for years with the exception of two small bouts of depression. My husband and I have been ttc almost two years. We miscarried twice, once before we were trying a few years ago, and then just this May. I don't know if I will ever get pregnant again and if I do, I don't think that I could survive another miscarriage. What is the point. Why would I want to continue existing with my heart so broken. And I know from my previous experience of seeking help from a doctor that if you say these things they are under legal requirements to place you in a facility to be monitored. Then they release you, write a prescription, and take your money. I draw my strength from God, but I cannot lose another child. I haven't told anyone my thoughts or feelings but I know nobody would be surprised. I know nobody would judge me. I just want to go be with my children.
Last reply Jan 6, 2018
I can't believe him!
My husband and I have been together for almost 6 years and just got married this may. Just when I thought I couldn't love him anymore he surprised me. I have pretty bad anxiety especially in social situations, but I've been stepping out of my box and going to events with his coworkers. While talking about the event coming up tomorrow he then proceeds to tell me everyone was staying in town and going out to dinner together later that night. (I don't do well with eating out in groups of people) I try to support him so I didn't say anything but okay. He then follows up with, so I was thinking after the event we can just grab some whataburger and take it home instead of going to dinner with everyone. 😂😂😍 I don't think I have ever been so in love with him after that comment lol my man knows me. ❤️❤️❤️ Now I am celebrating one small win for anxious me! Lol
Last reply Sep 29, 2017
ttc for first time-anxious
Ok, my husband and I decided to start trying and I tapered off my anxiety meds then stopped my bc as the pack ended like my Dr. said. I tend to seriously overanalyze things and I have so many questions rolling around my head. I keep seeing so many posts about people who have been trying forever with no luck and it terrifies me. seeing posts about what can go wrong in pregnancy terrifies me. I am at my last fertile day according to glow, we had sex 3 times during that window...probably not I am extremely anxious about the next 2 weeks. if I don't see any symptoms could I still be pregnant? when would I start seeing symptoms? What if my cycle is all out of wack with coming off the pills? I have been an emotional rollercoaster lately and I don't know it it is because I am off my anxiety pills or what...any encouraging help?
Last reply Sep 11, 2017
this subject might be hard for some. I'm having trouble tonight because it's been 4 years since I was raped.... they never caught the guy which is what hurts me worst. I guess I just need coping skills or things to help me.
Last reply Sep 7, 2017
anxiety and depression
been dealing with this viscous cycle of anxiety panic pain and depression for 9 months...although its starting to get better i still get very emotional and i will have anxiety about my health but much better than before. hang in their trust me it will go away.
Last reply Sep 8, 2017
is this an evap line?
I did some test strip tests and when they dried I found this.
Last reply Sep 6, 2017
Thinking About Giving Up
Been trying for a little over a year , each and every time it's just negative after negative and this one time I thought it would be different because af was 5 days late and then she shows up bright n early the next morning . I think it's time to give up. Any suggestions?
Last reply Sep 10, 2017