I still can't get over it. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

I just got home from work, and as I'm sitting here reflecting back on my TTC journey, I am absolutely amazed at how God works. This may be a little long but i feel the need to show how amazing God is.ย 
We started our TTC journey January of 2015. As months went by, I began to wonder why we weren't getting pregnant. I questioned God many times on how the woman who praises drugs more than her children or the life growing inside of her was able to have children, but I wasn't. I questioned why everyone else around me was getting to have a baby, but I wasn't. I became bitter and jealous. In September they found an 18cm tumor on my right ovary that required a laparotomy to be cut out. They said, "There's you're problem, now you should become pregnant!". I seeked other answers after having my first chemical in November. My new doctor discovered that I have PCOS and mild Endometriosis. Immediately he had me on clomid, no questions asked. I was so excited, and nothing was going to ruin it for me. Fast forward two more months... I had another chemical. My heart was absolutely broken m. Why am I getting pregnant Lord, and not able to keep it? It's not fair! My doctor advised me I only had one more month to try clomid and then he was referring me to an RE. I took it upon myself and scheduled and appointment with an RE for March 23rd. So here it goes.. The copious amounts of money given out, more pain, and a whole other journey of trying to have my baby. My husband and I were willing to give this everything we have in us. March 16th rolls around. I woke up that morning feeling awful. I went to the bathroom and immediately threw up. Hmmmmm, weird right!? I ran out and grabbed a pregnancy test, only to find to my surprise that it was a BFP!! The Lord came through for me during my worst state. He knew exactly what he was doing. I'm not proud of the bitter person that TTC made me, but it is a journey that I can not change and would not change if it meant I would have this little precious life growing inside of me. I'm crying my eyes out typing this, mainly because I can't believe at how blessed I am. Ladies, do not for up. Just when you think about giving up, a miracle happens.ย 
Baby dust to all, and I pray that God will bless each and every one of you. ๐Ÿ’• stay strong.ย