Friends with benifits

Okay so I have a bit of a story but would be super wonderful to know everyone's thoughts and advice! 
Okay so two months ago I broke up with my ex of 2 years, for the last year it was terrible and so that's why I've been able to move on a lot quicker than expected (however in not fully over him) anyways!! I'm 16, I have a nieghbour who is also 16 and extremely gorgeous, we started talking on FB just as friends and three weeks ago we diecided to go for a walk at night, I expected this to be really awkward however we got on extremely well and spent the whole night together untill 4 am just walking around out side, we did this a few more times and one of the latest times we got high and ended up getting together. He is a fuck boy however, is on and off with his ex it appears, he sees girls as getting with as many as you can makes you the man. We have kinda turned into friends with benefits were once a week I go to his house and he goes down on me. I'm still a Virgin but I really want to have sex with him but I know it's the stupidest idea because I'll get attached and he fucks other girls, what's everyone's thoughts on the situation or any tips to not get feelings for him!! I want to lose my virginity to someone special not just someone who wants to fuck