Rock N Play to crib

So my baby is 3 months old now and he's been sleeping in his rock n play. It's the only place I could get him to sleep besides on me. It really bothers me that he's not in his crib and I read that babies start forming habits and routines around this age so I'd like to move him over into his crib. I often have to rock him to sleep or get him asleep on me and then put him in his rock n play but when I try with the crib he wakes right up. Or if I set him down before he will use a blanky to put himself to sleep and he sleeps with it every night (I worry about it being in the crib as there is no incline). I have never really swaddled as he always breaks himself free. Right now he sleeps 9-5:30 straight through the night. I'm worried if I try the crib he will wake up and need a bottle to go back to bed and get all off his feeding routine. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? What worked for you?