Baby not growing

Claire 🌸
So I had a growth scan today at 37w2d and baby hasn't grown since 33weeks. He has dropped from 90th percentile down to the 40th. Has anyone else had this problem and what did they do about it? I had to go to labour ward from seeing my consultant as he was concerned as my bp was 174/104 and itchiness to my feet. I've just been discharged from labour ward but I have to phone back for my bloods as they are wanting to rule out preeclampsia and obstetric cholestasis. They only did my blood pressure once the whole 6 hours I was on the unit and it had come down to 148/84 at rest. The Drs couldn't answer any of my questions on why he hasn't grown or what they are going to do about it, because they were busy, hence why they let me go to free up space on the unit. Concerned FTM.